In the heart of beautiful ‘Pajottenland’

A farm distillery? Yes, we went back to the origins of distillation by choosing an old fruit farm to build our distillery. We only use raw materials that we grow ourselves. Real raw materials such as apples, maize, potatoes, wheat, barley, …

A farm with a history…

Since the beginning of the 20th century, our farm has gone through several stages. The Huygens family first grew cut flowers, which the farmer himself then brought to the market in Brussels (with the tram that ran in the street at the time). 

The conservatory that was used for this is currently converted into a malt house. 

Afterwards, the family specialized in chickens and eventually switched to fruit growing, apples and pears in the 1960s. In 2011, we bought the farm, the ideal place to realize our dream: a real artisan farm distillery. Rumors are circulating that the farm was already heavily heated in the 1960s: clandestinely, as on many farms in the region at that time. Jenever was popular and grain was within reach.

After years of renovation and adjustments, the first jet of spirit ran out of our Holstein boiler at the beginning of 2015. The beginning of an exciting story for our whole family.

In 2021 we started to use an new part of our distillery (and brewery) 200 meters further.